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[MANUSCRIT] Opérations de chirurgie , 1785

Photo SIMONNET, Jean François. 

SIMONNET, Jean François. 

Opérations de chirurgie divisées en 23 leçons et contenant tout ce qui a été dit, ecrit, ou pratiqué de meilleur tant en France qu'en Angleterre. 

Paris, s.n., 1785.

12mo (165x110 mm), (2)-282-(8) pages and 2 notes leaves (pp. 56 and 62).  binding : Unbound book under modern marbled cover. Second cover almost unbound. 

Photo SIMONNET, Jean François. 

Original manuscript written by Jean François Simonnet, based on a course given at the Ecole Pratique de Dissection in 1785.
The practical school of dissection is the high place of teaching of surgery from its creation in 1750, teaching will always be open to novelty, unlike the Faculty of Medicine, its more conservative competitor. We find this innovative feature in this manuscript since it opens up to the best practices "both in France and in England", the two sheets of notes inserted mix English and French and refer to the teaching of Samuel Sharp.
"Sharp après avoir dit qu'on guérit sometimes by long compression parle d'autres moyens. But, dit-il, there have been various methods...".


Photo SIMONNET, Jean François. 
Photo SIMONNET, Jean François. 
Photo SIMONNET, Jean François. 
Photo SIMONNET, Jean François. 
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